Monday, April 5, 2010

More Fall Fun

Jon and I were actually able to get away and go the Clemson/FSU game. We met up with Beth and Stokely for dinner on Friday night and then met Keri out after that. Of course, we are old and couldn't quite hang so we were back at our hotel before midnight! It was nice to have a night of uninterrupted sleep, but I was still awake at 7:30! It was nice to have a night out and catch up with Beth and Keri, I miss those girls!
Saturday we slept in (i.e. woke up early and watched TV in bed) and then headed up to Tiger town. We met Suzann and Robbie and went to lunch and did a little shopping downtown. We then managed to meet up with Renee' and Johnson who I had not seen in ages!! It was so great to see everyone again!
The game was a night game and everyone knows Death Valley is awesome at night. I had not been to a game in almost 2 years and I have truly missed it!!! The game was awesome, the Tigers did their best to give me a heart attack, but I was glad that Suzann was nearby in case I needed medical attention! One of the many benefits of having a best friend who is a doctor!
It was truly a great weekend! We had so much fun, and always love catching up with friends. Nothing could be better than a Clemson win and fun with friends!

I couldn't get him to wear Clemson (he did wear a short sleeved Clemson shirt until it got cold). I guess Davidson is better than the place that shall not be named!! YUCK!
It doesn't matter how many times I see the Tigers run down The Hill, I still get chills every single time!

Speaking of catching up with long lost friends, we met up with Woody for a beverage! It has been ages!

We had a great weekend, but coming home to a little boy with a Tiger Rag on his head is the best!

Bad Blogger Mommy

Ok, so we have passed all of the major holidays and I haven't blogged in 6 months!!! I am going to start making myself do this once a week. The boys are way too funny to not keep track of all of the stuff they say and do!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

October Fun

October was a very busy month, and we have had lots of fun! We started the month out going to Augusta for a birthday party for a friend. It was at Jump City and boy did the boys have soooo much fun. Nothing like 2 hours of jumping and climbing to tucker out two wild men! It was also good for Mom and Dad to catch up with some friends.
The next weekend we decided to take the boys to the local corn maze. I had heard about it on the radio and thought it might be something fun for the boys to do. The day we went was chilly and pretty windy. We went early to beat the "crowds" and ended up being the first ones there! It was really a lot of fun. They had a corn maze, corn snake, rubber duck races, John Deere tractor races (the kind you pedal), a 40 foot slide and hayrides. We went into the make first mainly to get out of the wind. After about 45 minutes we had walked in 4 circles and ended up coming out of the maze via the entrance. I guess that is what we get for having a 2 year old lead us! Both of the boys enjoyed it. I even caught Ben at one point gnawing on a corn cob! He kept saying "Yum!" My boys WILL eat anything! Jack enjoyed the slide, in fact, we all did!
After we left, I asked Jack what his favorite part was, his response, "The corn food." They had a table full of corn kernels which they loved playing with. In fact, we came home with a pocket of corn!
Running through the maze!
The annual "punkin" picture. This one did not turn out too well. Between the wind and being cold they were a little less than cooperative.
A fun family shot on the hayride. The hayride was fun. The maze was on a local farm and the hayride took us around the farm and the boys got to see the cows, pigs, goats and mules! What fun!
Every year daycare has a Fall Festival. It is always lots of fun and this year was no exception. They had it on a Friday night this year which was much better than during the week. They had hayrides, the Shriner's train, mounted police, fire truck, games and of course a giant jump castle complete with slide! This year was great because both boys were able to really enjoy everything. Ben was even hanging tough with the big kids on the jump castle. He had to have a boost to get up the slide, but that did not stop him!! He is FEARLESS!
The garden gnome and the elephant ready for some Fall Festival fun! This is Ben's new smile. Whenever we say smile for a picture this is what we get!
Playing games. Beware of the gnome with the paci!!!
The elephant riding the tricycle through the obstacle course.
Two family shots in one month..WOW!
Erskine had their Homecoming/Family Day the next day. We went up with Gran and Doda to see Kiki. The boys enjoyed the parade, which lasted all of about 5 minutes (really), and they enjoyed running around campus. We all enjoyed getting to see Kiki and going to eat at Yoder's...YUMMO.
Saturday mornings are very relaxed. We get to eat breakfast in the den and watch movies or cartoons. This is mainly so Mom and Dad can rest on the couch for a little longer!!
Silly Saturdays! Having breakfast and getting ready to watch a movie.
Doing puzzles! Also known as making a mess.
Halloween was lots of fun. We invited Gigi, Gran and Doda over for dinner and trick-or-treating. We also celebrated Gigi's 75th birthday!! Jack and Ben enjoyed helping to decorate the cake, or at least eating the icing! It was all I could do to keep them from eating the whole thing!! After dinner and the birthday celebration we went out trick-or-treating. It was so hot! Luckily, the weather did not seem to deter the boys. Ben was an old pro by the 2nd house! One man came out with the basket of candy and said "Take whatever", wrong thing to tell Ben. He dove in and started taking handfuls! We had to make him put some back. Jack was a little more timid, but not much!
Ready to fill our bags with candy!! They really racked up and we only went to a few houses. Trick-or-treating in style. Nothing like having Dad pull you around and then people give you candy!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Funny Comments

Ok, so Jack is a riot. You never really know exactly what might come out of his mouth. Here are some recent examples.

The other night he was sitting on the potty and he had to poop. He wanted his privacy, so we stepped out of the bathroom. Here was the conversation:
Jack: Mom, go in the bedroom.
Me: Ok. Call me when you are done.
5 seconds later
J: Mom!
Me: Yes Jack, are you done?
J: No. Mom, the poop just went plip-plop! (I cannot explain to you his face, but he was so excited, I almost died laughing.)
Me: Oh, did it really. (Said as trying my very best not to laugh in his face)
J: Go in the room with my Dad.
Me; OK. (I leave the room and go in the bedroom where Jon was and we are both about to roll on the floor laughing.)
Me: Yes Jack.
J: It tickles!
Me: What tickles?
J: The water tickles my heiney!
At this I had nothing left to say, I just walked out of the bathroom and died laughing!

I made an apple pie tonight to use up some apples that we had around the house. Jack had been eating apples as I was slicing them and was very excited about having apple pie for dessert.
As I was pulling the pie out of the oven he stood in the kitchen and said "Mom, you are like a baker!"
After he ate some pie he said "Mom, this is the best ever!" It was cute.
I will take all of the compliments I can get!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Folly Beach Vacation 2009

This year we went to Folly Beach for vacation. After the fiasco of vacation last year, Jon and I decided we were not going any farther than 2 hours away! A few years ago we had stayed at this great house for the bridge run, so we decided to go back. Gran, Doda and Kiki went with us and we had a an awesome time! The boys this year were at the perfect age to start enjoying the beach. The first day Ben and Jack were both a little hesitant about the ocean. By the end of the week Ben was walking headlong into the ocean without stopping. We had to watch him to make sure he didn't go too far!
Jack loved building sand castles, digging holes and make "gates". We decided to rent a golf cart since the house was down the way from the beach access. Boy that was a great idea. Kids require TONS of gear. You would think I would have figured this out by now, but it always amazes me! Not to mention an electric golf cart is a good catalyst for getting naps started!
Later in the week Brennen came down and brought his niece and nephew to visit and play. Jack and Ben loved having the older kids around! On Saturday, Robbie, Suzann and Harley came down to visit us. Jack and Harley always have fun together, and Ben will follow anything that Jack does! Brennen cooked an awesome dinner for everyone and we had lots of fun catching up with everyone.
We all agreed, that this was one of our best vacations ever! We did not want to come home!!

Harly is the getaway driver, Jack is the director and Ben is the pedal man!
Nothing like a push up on a hot day at the beach!

Feeding the birds. This is very serious business.

Sweet big boy.

Sweet little boy. All tuckered out after a long week at the beach!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Vist to Aunt Laddice

Gran and Kiki took the boys one day to visit Aunt Laddice in Allendale. They have not been there in quite a while. Jack loves Aunt Laddice and asks about her all of the time. It is very sweet. The day went pretty well it seems until there was a little accident. Kiki took the boys outside to play after lunch and Jack pushed Ben down. Ben fell down backwards and hit his head on the one rock in the immediate area. He had a little puncture wound in the back of his head, but he was ok. I think Kiki was super freaked out, especially with all of the blood that comes from a head wound! He ended up being fine, but I think it scared everyone involved. I am glad I was not there!! I might have really flipped out! Jack was very worried about his brother. Mom called me at work and told me all about what happened. When I got home I wanted to ask Jack about it just to see what he would say. I asked him if had a good time visiting Aunt Laddice. The conversation went a little something like this:
J: Ben hurt his head.
L: How did Ben hurt his head?
J: I pushed him
L: Is that a nice thing to do?
J: No, I tell Ben I sorry.
I couldn't help but chuckle. You could see the guilt on his poor little face. We had the whole conversation about being nice to our brother, etc, etc. About five minutes later they were both wrestling on the floor. I am ready to have my suite at the emergency room!!!
The investigators...very curious about everything.

Prior to the head injury. He found a pretty flower.
He can look like a sweet little angel. He can also be a sweet little angel when he wants to be. This picture melts my heart though. Look at those eyelashes!

Visiting the Huttos and Weathers

We went to Folly Beach to visit the Suzann, Robbie, Harley, Mrs. Ann and Mr. David. This was a big thing for us. We never take day trips that far away. I was not sure how the boys would handle being in the car that long, etc. We had swimming lessons early that morning, and then left right after. Both boys ended up sleeping most of the way, which was great! We got to FB about 12:30, and hit the beach! Harley had gotten some hermit crabs named Cindarella and Snow White. They spent most of the day playing with the crabs, poor crabs!! At least it gave us time to chat and catch up while they were entertained! Jack and Harley played great together. Ben, well Ben always finds something to do. He very easily entertains himself, which is a good thing!

As Jack would say "Building a gate for the crabs." Who knew hermit crabs could provide such entertainment? Cinderella and Snow White were brave souls and according to Suzann they are still alive and kicking. They would not be so lucky at our house I am afraid!

The beach boys!

Ben found much entertainment in eating sand. Plain sand, paci dipped in sand, chips dipped in sand, you name it and cover it in sand, he would eat it!

We were invited to stay for dinner. Robbie cooked a delicious pot of shrimp and grits so we all got cleaned up and dressed for the party. As you can see, the three little monkeys were having a good time together. Too cute.

Jack and Harley playing together. I think he would have followed her anywhere that day! It was pretty cute.